Web Hosting isn't something you tend to think about everyday. It's something you purchase when you first get an idea for a site, you set up, and then hopefully forget. But having a good web host is like having a good foundation for your house. If you build the mansion of your dreams but lay it on a flawed foundation, you put your entire house in jeopardy.

At NaKaF Host, it doesn't matter if you are hosting a basic website, a blog, an online community, or a store processing hundreds of transactions a day. Your website should be running efficiently so you can spend more time promoting your site and less time hassling with slow or unreliable web hosting. Whether it's our server administrators who are on staff 24/7 ensuring the servers are balanced, our CEO making sure our technology is the fastest and most reliable at the best price point, or our support staff ensuring any issues are resolved in a prompt manner, we work tirelessly to make sure your web host is the last thing you worry about.

Our Services

PHP Hosting We are specialized in PHP Web site hosting; now we are PHP Web hosting solution provider. Don't be fooled with the hosting companies that tell you they host PHP, deal with the provider that knows PHP and develops in PHP.

Email Hosting Everything you need for your web emails in one All-Inclusive Email Hosting Package with great features, fast and secure servers, and high quality customer service.

cPanel hosting We offer high quality, affordable and security-oriented cPanel hosting services. Our users benefit from the great features, secure servers, multiple free tools!